Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I woke up exhausted today after a marathon dream.  The people in this dream were all from my old job.  It started with the impending wedding of Emily A.  But she wasn't just Emily; some how she was also Brandy G.  And all her wedding things were stashed in her locker at work.  And what an lovely ensemble:  the bride chose pea green.  The groom was Albanian and there were several Albanians on boats in the river.  This is where the Brandy G. side of the bride came out because she went to those boats and got into a knock-down drag-out fight with the Albanians.  But she made it back to the where the wedding was to take place not too badly messed up, for which I'm glad because some how I was now the bride and I was sure that I was being made fun of.  Especially since I'd added a green paint over the left side of my face.  So I asked Laura VH to do a proper make up.  She said of course she would.  I closed my eyes and waited for her to get to work.  What I felt was her drawing lines across my forehead.  I asked what she was doing and she said she was emphasizing the wrinkles.  So I fired her.  Then it was getting close to the wedding which was now taking place on a talk show and hoards of rowdy people were poring in through the doors.  And I was wondering what on earth I was thinking to be getting married.  So I didn't.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I can't remember much of the dream from the other night which is too bad 'cause it was likely pretty good.  I had some kind of veterinary emergency and had to summon my vet: the Pope.  And he really didn't want to pass up the nice tea he was about to have with a bunch of church ladies.  I almost fired him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Two nights in a row and I had some doozies! And of course they were about St Mary's.  The night before last I had a beautiful new SUV.  And it was stolen.  Somehow the thief was located and I decided I was going to kick him in the family jewels.  But just as I was about to let fly, I realized it was Dr. Turner, former director of St Mary's Critical Care.  After leaving the hospital he'd started up a car thieving business.  And there he sat on a stool in jeans and a ratty undershirt just grinning at me.

Last night I was back at work.  Those people just will NOT let me retire!  I was put in ICU, on my own with no orientation and the place had been all redesigned.  It was now one big room with beds parked in groups, surrounded by chairs for patients to sit up in, chairs for visitors, tables, equipment.  You couldn't even walk through the place.  I was given an assignment card with names, therapies, and bed numbers.  But there were no numbers on the beds.  I couldn't find the patients, and by last rounds I'd hardly done anything.  There was dirty equipment to clean and I didn't know where the equipment room was.  And we had a new computer charting system I couldn't figure out.  I found a bunch of lab tubes and used ABG syringes taped to a chart with a note from Amanda V. telling me not to even try poking that patient - What was that crazy woman doing!  And we were back to doing P&PD!  On vent patients!!  We were also doing IPPB with CPAP masks. There was a patient listed on the assignment with a notation that he'd left yesterday.  There were syringes of Albuterol sitting on top of med Pyxis's.  If another therapist passed by I would beg not to be put in ICU ever again.  And I couldn't get out of this dream.  A couple of times I woke up but just fell asleep right back in that mess.

Nope!  This is a sign to never go back to work!